• Computer Science Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field

    Computer Science Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field

    The blossoming of computer science (CS) research is evident in the information technology that has migrated from a specialized tool confined to the laboratory or corporate back office to a ubiquitous presence in machines and devices that now figure in the lives of virtually every individual. This widespread diffusion of information technology can obscure the nature of computer science research underlying the IT— from the perspective of many...

     209 p cntp 14/12/2012 458 1

  • CSE Faculty - Chapter 12

    CSE Faculty - Chapter 12

    Lexicographic Search Trees: Tries Multiway Trees B-Tree, B*-Tree, B+-Tree Red-Black Trees (BST and B-Tree) 2-d Tree, k-d Tree 1 .Basic Concepts 2 .Basic Concepts 3 .Trees

     44 p cntp 14/12/2012 484 2

  • CSE Faculty - Chapter 10 Sorting

    CSE Faculty -  Chapter 10 Sorting

    Sorting Divice-andConquer •Natural Merge •Balanced Merge •Polyphase Merge •Insertion •Shell •Selection •Heap •Bubble •Quick •Quick •Merge

     60 p cntp 14/12/2012 416 2

  • Chapter 9 - Graph•

    Chapter 9 - Graph•

    A Graph G consists of a set V, whose members are called the vertices of G, together with a set E of pairs of distinct vertices from V. • The pairs in E are called the edges of G. • If the pairs are unordered, G is called an undirected graph or a graph. Otherwise, G is called a directed graph or a digraph. • Two vertices in an undirected graph are called adjacent if there is an edge from the first to the second.

     85 p cntp 14/12/2012 783 2

  • Chapter 8 - Heaps

    Chapter 8 - Heaps

    Binary Heap. Min-heap. Max-heap. Efficient implementation of heap ADT: use of array Basic heap algorithms: ReheapUp, ReheapDown, Insert Heap, Delete Heap, Built Heap d-heaps Heap Applications: Select Algorithm Priority Queues Heap sort Advanced implementations of heaps: use of pointers Leftist heap Skew heap Binomial queues

     41 p cntp 14/12/2012 448 2

  • AVL Tree

    AVL Tree

    AVL Tree is: • A Binary Search Tree, • in which the heights of the left and right subtrees of the root differ by at most 1, and • the left and right subtrees are again AVL trees. The name comes from the discoverers of this method, G.M.Adel'son-Vel'skii and E.M.Landis. The method dates from 1962. .Balance factor Balance factor: • left_higher: HL = HR + 1 • equal_height: • right_higher:

     74 p cntp 14/12/2012 455 1

  • CSE Faculty - Chapter 7 Tree

    CSE Faculty - Chapter 7 Tree

    Subprogram implementation Recursion Designing recursive algorithms Recursion removal Backtracking Examples of backtracking and recursive algorithms: Factorial Fibonacci The towers of Hanoi Eight Queens Problem Tree-structured program: Look-ahead in Game

     90 p cntp 14/12/2012 428 3

  • CSE Faculty - Chapter 6 Recursion

    CSE Faculty - Chapter 6 Recursion

    Subprogram implementation Recursion Designing recursive algorithms Recursion removal Backtracking Examples of backtracking and recursive algorithms: Factorial Fibonacci The towers of Hanoi Eight Queens Problem Tree-structured program: Look-ahead in Game

     85 p cntp 14/12/2012 403 2

  • The Definitive Guide to Java Swing Third Edition

    The Definitive Guide to Java Swing Third Edition

    Fully updated for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition version 5.0, the third edition of this praised book is a one-stop resource for serious Java developers. This book shows you the parts of Java Swing API that you will use daily to create graphical user interfaces (GUI). You will also learn about the Model-View-Controller architecture that lies behind all Swing components, and about customizing components for specific environments.

     912 p cntp 14/12/2012 445 1

  • Pro .NET 2.0 Code and Design Standards in C#

    Pro .NET 2.0 Code and Design Standards in C#

    This book is special, because for the first time you get an easy-to-follow set of code and design standards that addresses the basic needs of .NET developers and application architects. The material is presented in a what, why, where, and how format, so it’s easy to understand a given topic and apply the solution. The format facilitates fast understanding and quick reference—just what you need when you’re under pressure. The authors...

     361 p cntp 14/12/2012 435 1

  • Programming Windows - SIXTH EDITION Writing Windows 8 Apps With C# and XAML

    Programming Windows - SIXTH EDITION Writing Windows 8 Apps With C# and XAML

    This book—the 6th edition of Programming Windows—is a guide to programming applications that run under Microsoft Windows 8. At the time of this writing (August 1, 2012), Windows 8 is not yet complete and neither is this book. What you are reading right now is a preview ebook version of the book. This preview ebook is based on the Release Preview of Windows 8 (build 8400), which was released on May 31, 2012. Microsoft has announced that...

     579 p cntp 14/12/2012 536 2

  • Metro Revealed Building Windows 8 Apps with XAML and C#

    Metro Revealed Building Windows 8 Apps with XAML and C#

    Metro apps are an important addition to Microsoft Windows 8, providing the cornerstone for a single, consistent programming and interaction model across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. The Metro app user experience is very different from previous generations of Windows applications: Metro-style apps are full-screen and favor a usability style that is simple, direct, and free from distractions. Metro apps represent a complete departure...

     98 p cntp 14/12/2012 417 1

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